Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Small Projects with the Sewing Machine

I grabbed about an hour out of my day to sit behind my sewing machine and tend to some mending. I fixed some of those nagging little things like a separating elastic waistband. I followed the advice I gleaned from an Angry Chicken tutorial on fold over elastic. Although my project used conventional elastic, the advice worked great.

Then I turned to another project...an outgrown shirt. Typically, outgrown items are passed down, but I had an idea that this shirt could be salvaged to stay in the wardrobe of my oldest son.

I cut the patchwork out of the existing shirt (I'll use the scraps for other projects) leaving about an inch of material around it.

I sewed it on a larger shirt.

Now the shirt is back in the ring for another round. My son and I joked that we can keep this shirt in his wardrobe until he's a grown man.


  1. They're like the rings in a tree trunk! If you add one every year it'll be cool to see what it looks like when he's older.

  2. i love this idea! i think i will add a project like this to my ever growing holiday list.

  3. You want to select a needle based on your fabric type with the smallest diameter - to produce the smallest hole - that still accommodates your thread thickness. http://zentiz.com/


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