Thursday, February 24, 2011

Outdoor Tub Set Up

Galvanized tin tubs are in wide use at Camp Ramshackle. The kids bathe in them. Mulch is moved with them. Trees tended. Seas sailed. They hold icy beverages when the kids and mulch are fished out. Eric and I had many late night ruminations about getting a tub in our size and even went as far as acquiring a decomposing redwood tub via freecycle when I succumbed to the great redwood tub delusion.

This Christmas, Eric presented me with an oblong stock tank and outdoor propane shower. After finishing tent repair in our weekend of tending to lingering projects, we worked on the outdoor tub. A permanent location has not been determined. Instead the tub launches it's tour of Camp Ramshackle debuting outside the kitchen just above the patio area.

This could be the permanent location or perhaps one of many. It can go pretty much anywhere, but it needs to be near enough a water source. I moved some pavers that came with the house and serve a path that is no longer used and played with repurposing them as a tub floor.

This was a great day for outdoor bathing at Camp Ramshackle. Even in this elementary set up, the adult sized galvanized tub delivers. Kid tested. Parent approved. A running joke with Eric and I after a long day, is "I'm just going to sit in the hot tub." Now, we actually can.


  1. That is pretty cool, and looks nice. How do you get hot water to it?

  2. Thanks, Paula. The hot water is from the outdoor propane shower.

  3. yeah! outdoor shower and tub. everyone should have one.

  4. also, how many wives got an oblong stock tub for christmas?

  5. Ok Julia, You are making Natalie jealous here and there isn't enough room on the balcony for a stock tub.

  6. Kevin, maybe some other spot than the balcony? I think ours just might end up a traveling tub. And Eric has heard w a a a a y too much about renovating the bathroom with a stock tank tub. Perhaps you might have better luck at your home?

  7. Hehehe... this totally reminds me of last summer. We were building our house and had an outdoor propane shower as our only means of showering for 6+ months. We considered all kinds of stock tub options for a makeshift tub experience and never quite got around to it. I did come home to my wife soaking in a huge tupperware bin one afternoon though. Perhpas we'll get to it this year. :)

  8. What do you do to empty it? Tip it? Is there a drain installed? I want one.

  9. Scott, that sounds like a good summer. I bet bathing indoors has never been better.

    SMG-there is a drain on one side of the tub. A spigot can be attached (we haven't done that yet) and a hose put on that. Currently, I've been bucket brigading the plants with the water. We'll see what system we develop over time. And I highly recommend the tub. Great fun.

  10. Ah-ha! Where did you find the cattle trough in LA? I've been seeking one and am not sure where to look.


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