Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Lovely Eye Documenting Growth

Photos & composition by Lisa Wagner

I must confess, this time of the year is a challenge for me. My pursuit of slow happiness, spiced cider and quality family time is shaken by the roar and speed of the season. Somehow reason & scheduling aligned and I found myself with youngest son and friend Lisa Wagner in my son's preschool garden for the grounding and recharge needed to make sense and take delight in the hustle and bustle of the season.

Lisa Wagner has a beautiful eye, amazing mind and a sparkling crisp pen. Her writing reminds me of a walk outdoors down a dirt path with fresh leaves splayed out like prayers. As you walk down the path amid all the beauty, it is the smell of fresh earth and fallen leaves that grips you and seeps deeply into your soul. It's a place I always love to be.

She captured our time together in the garden and posted it on Facebook. I don't know if she allows uninvited friends to view, but I will post a link with her lovely sourced quote. Her photos & captions are beautiful:

Among Lisa's many accomplishments and talents, she is also the creative mind (with her delightful daughter) of the Fall Googly Eye Festival.

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