Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Vacation

The kids are out of school for the next few weeks, the holidays are over, it feels like a real winter vacation around these parts. A stack of new to us books are being read, projects attended to and the ever growing weeds being pulled. I realize a lot of the world is under snow right now, but it's a busy gardening time in southern California. The native plants emerge from hibernation as do the prolific invasive grasses despite a heavy layer of mulch.

I'm wondering if I can adopt the Winter Wonderfarm model of Hayes Valley Farms & try to entice some kids to help with weeding pulling under the aegis of a "permaculture-centric" day camp. The Hayes Valley Farm experience is for kids three to thirteen. I think Camp Ramshackle's hypothetical model just boils down to child labor:

San Francisco's first urban farming day camp for kids. Set to run from December 20th to 30th, the permaculture-centric program will be held at Hayes Valley Farm, a community-run experiment on an empty lot in the heart of the city.

Participating children should be ready to get their hands dirty; the program features a number of "farm-to-fork" activities, including processing compost, planting seedlings and cooking with local chefs. There will also be some yoga, naturally (this is San Francisco, after all).

via: Fast Company

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