Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Break in the Heat

Los Angeles has been in a crazy heat spell, breaking an all time record high of 113° in downtown on Monday. For a family that spends much of our time outside, the scorching temperatures have put a damper on our outdoor adventures. Last night, as the boys and I sat down to dinner I heard the rumble of thunder. I opened the windows to hear better. Sure enough, the thunder returned. The dogs lumbered back inside the house with tails low.

Five minutes later I saw a light rain coming down. We put our forks down and raced outside to feel the cool breeze blowing and watch the wind ripple the sides of the tent. Then the rich smell of wet earth kissed away the memory of the searing sun. In an area of the world where fast moving weather changes are rare, I am always appreciative of the chance thunder storm no matter how fleeting. Ours lasted about two minutes.


  1. I saw the lightning from down here in Long Beach. I must say, I was jealous. It wasn't quite as hot down here, but a little rain would still have been blessedly welcome.

  2. People from the southwest always run outside during the rain, while everyone else is ducking for cover!! We're hoping that rain will make it over this way tomorrow

  3. I love the way it feels right before the rain comes, when the cool air in advance of the storm blows up. I'm glad you guys were where you could enjoy it!


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