Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tending the Tent

My three year old's birthday request was for the family to sleep together in the tent. Wish attained. Eric made the sleeping arrangements. We spent a crisp but beautiful evening nestled together under thick comforters. Our bedding migrated to the house post campout. A comfy foam pad lingered a bit longer. I finished putting it all away today and took the opportunity to rearrange.

With the changing weather, I decided to move my desk to the tent. As the bright summer sun makes way for the subtle autumn sunshine, I find myself lingering outside longer. I figure it is a good way to be outside and still get some of my work done.

The desk in the tent is a great addition to my workspace in the often too hot Silver Streak.

My three year old snapped this picture of me working at my newly located desk.


  1. That tent looks like a cool place to stash the band at a fall celebration or something. Do you guys know anyone in a band? It would be a good excuse for a party....


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