Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Mending

When a seam on the front of my worst pair of shorts split on two sides I was about to give up on them. I had already fixed the hem (kind of) about a year ago in what I thought was a last ditch effort to keep them in rotation for another season. For some reason, once again, I decided to patch them up instead of composting them. Using the sewing machine is kind of a drag for me sometimes. It's often easier and quieter and kind of meditative for me to get a needle and some thread and just sew.

I'm not very good at it and don't really care to be necessarily but I have noticed that I am getting better in spite of myself. Real sewing aficionados will probably shudder at my technique which rarely involves pins or ensuring that I have enough matching thread before I start.

This time I started by using a simple running stitch to tack some roughly matching duck cloth to the back of the hole. Then I used another simple cross stitch to hold the floppy pieces around the holes down to the patch from the front.

From the back the cross stitch makes a kind of boxy serpentine pattern.

I don't fix these shorts because I love them. The reason I continue to patch them up and wear them is because it's really nice to have shorts to wear that I don't care about at all. Kind of funny when I think about that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you're attached to them, alright. But I know what you mean. Awhile ago I had to finally ditch a pair of trusty overalls that were past redemption, and I've been patching the same pair of work jeans for my husband for awhile.

    As for the hand sewing, teach yourself a couple of running embroidery stitches so you can hide the rough running stitches. Rough embroidery can be charming.


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