When Eric and I bought the Ramshackle compound in 2002, our eight foot sofa did not fit our tiny new home. Despite being house poor, we took a trip to IKEA and bought a couch with some Danish inspired name. We didn't over think the purchase. The couch fit into our smaller house. It looked okay, but we didn't swoon. The couch seemed serviceable. We couldn't stretch out for the long indulgent naps like our previous sofa, but it fit in the living room without stretching into the dining area or covering any doors.
Two years later, kids entered the picture. As they grew, the couch became a jumping couch. Not just little jumps but big catapult jumps from the bookshelf down, flips, dives and more. I looked for one of the many jumping couch pictures but was unable to find one without a naked kid.
After years of steady jumping, it began to develop a serious squeak when you sat down. Eric and I figured the couch was a goner, being a cheap IKEA couch. Eric flipped it on end, found that the frame could be tightened (no doubt with an allen wrench, but I don't remember exactly). When he righted it, the squeak was gone, the jumping resumed.
In addition to being sturdy, the cover is completely removable. I thrown it into the washing machine many times, always amazed how well it cleans. The fabric has started to give at the impact zone of the jump, however. I continue to patch it and be thankful for my cheap IKEA couch.
Let the jumping resume.